Project Summary .

Flambeaux is a family-owned winery with a strong community built around it. This tour was made to show the vineyard, tasting rooms, and other facilities to possible clients and friends of the winery. They had a fun social media game to spot Stella (Flambeaux’s unofficial mascot/dog). In her overseer rights, she followed us around when we took pictures, so she hid in most, if not all, of them. It was our first project where we used panoramic drone photography, and the result superseded all of our expectations!

Wineries Flambeaux
virtual vineyard tour

What is done: .

  • One panoramic drone photo
  • Little Planet Tour opener
  • 14 regular panoramic pictures
  • Advanced color correction
  • Advanced design elements
  • Information pages
  • Links redirecting to the official winery website
  • Social Media share buttons within the tour